A billion light-years from Earth, a rare and exotic " dance of death " is being performed by a trio of supermassive black holes, doomed to merge along with their host galaxies that are on a collision course. Supermassive black holes, that weigh-in at an incredible millions to billions of times solar-mass, are thought to lurk hungrily in the hearts of perhaps every large galaxy in the observable Universe--including our own barred-spiral Milky Way. When galaxies collide, their supermassive hearts of darkness meet-up as well, and become a single, solitary gravitational beast that weighs-in at the combined masses of the merging black holes that created them. In September 2019, a team of astronomers announced that they have discovered a rare system composed of three galaxies colliding--and taking their resident dark hearts along with them for the ride. Several observatories, including NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, as well as other NASA space telescopes, discovered this ex...